Spreading good juju one giggle at a time.
Hi. I'm Curtis,
To date I have given away ~10,000 11x14" prints for free. They are all over the US and around the globe due to my travels and dear friends taking some along to give them away to those they meet. These people are called 'PRM Fairies' ;-)
I do get the occasional donation but basically this is a self funded effort since 2008. I also sell, at my cost, various size canvases for auctions or display. There are dozens of medical and professional offices that have a larger PRM canvas on display for their patients and clients in waiting rooms or public areas. They will often display The PRM Story next to the print.
I send out for free boxes with 30-40 11x14" prints for a fundraiser or other Breast Cancer supporting event nearly weekly and much more in the fall of course.
Please look around the site and call or email me if you have any questions. If you are touched by the project in a positive way, feel free to drop me an email. It's nice to hear story from far and wide.
Good juju to you and yours,
Curtis G.
Beloit. WI